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- adamsmith
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You want to look at the in-text citation, not what appears in the red box (that's just to show you what information you've entered).How does the actual citation look like?
For your specific questions, yes, yes, and a) it never executes code from and b) the connector is sandboxed
In the bibliography, not the citation sort section
But if you want to sort (incorrectly, as per APA) in order of appearance, adding before title in the sort section should work.
188BET靠谱吗@seredes -- there are replacements for most ZotFile functionality, see
I am using an external monitor, but both the laptop display and the external monitor have standard 60Hz refresh rates.The Laptop monitor is 4k resolution, the external monitor is regular Full HD in case that matters.I just noticed, though, this o…
With the website.URNs don't store metadata, so they just serve as a permalink.188BET靠谱吗Zotero looks at the information in the site header and doesn't find much, so you get the basic import you're seeing.You can reach out to the site owners with this infor…
188BET靠谱吗If you right-click on the Save to Zotero icon and select Save to Zotero --> Save to Zotero (Embedded Metadata) you get both the PDF and the right item type.(The explanation of what goes wrong exactly is a bit complicated -- briefly, the reposi…
And just to explain why this is happening-- the reason "Number: 3" creates "Article 3" in APA style is to correctly format electronic article numbers according to the APA Manual.Most other styles just treat them as page numbers, which is why they'r…
Der Stil macht das schon richtig, kein Codieren nötig.188BET靠谱吗Wahrscheinlich dieses hier: //
You can check your connector version in Chrome (or the version on the Chrome Store).This should be fixed once you see 5.0.143.The current version is still .142
Are you in a rush?Otherwise just waiting a couple of days is easier.188BET靠谱吗If you want to do this yourself, see // for general instructions, line 67 is the middle line (with verb-…
188BET靠谱吗 (new version with fix should be out shortly)
Note that if you do need both an empty and an actual et al in the same style, you can define and empty "and others" term and use that.
I'm guessing that's newer citation processor behavior.The 1-1 behavior I have seen mentioned before, but it's off spec and may have had negative side effects.
But that includes et al, doesn't it?To remove et al, is there an alternative to setting an empty et al term?
188BET靠谱吗 (the current version of the connector on the Chrome store is still the broken 5.0.142)
I deleted the references in the broken document and made new references.It looks good now...188BET靠谱吗I was thinking that changes to the information in Zotero would somehow propogate into the document.It generally would -- not sure why it didn't in this ca…
Might help to insert a bibliography for troubleshooting -- I'd guess you have another Chapman reference in there.(I've seen the Libre Office citation bar glitch, too -- I don't think that's related)
Every group library has separate settings.As dstillman says, LIS 759 is public, open.188BET靠谱吗 LIS 885 is public close, and as such can have attachments.There is no such thi…
Assuming you're using APA (or Chicago) style, disambiguation applies to all first authors cited across the document, so any Gary Chapman reference.Hard to say more without details, but it's virtually certain this is the reason you're getting initia…
Yes, I meant without author, sorry.188BET靠谱吗I haven't tested this in the visual editor (it's conceivable there's a bug there) but I'm not seeing this in the style editor in Zotero 7 -- if I remove Mares from the sample reference, I get Hall u.a.2001 • F…
188BET靠谱吗@dklaskowski -- you're seeing //
188BET靠谱吗Zotero just inserts a Word footnote.188BET靠谱吗The only reason the size might be different is if, for whatever reason, different Word styles are getting applied -- can you check the style in Word for the regular footnote and the one inserted with Zotero?
188BET靠谱吗All Zotero item types will get DOIs in the future.188BET靠谱吗For now, you can add DOIs as DOI: 10.1234/56787 in Extra and they will be picked up by citation styles and migrate to a Zotero field once it exists
OK, so general citations come out right, the problem is specifically without titles.Could you copy the style code (from the "Code editor") and post it to a code sharing page like or or so?
We'd want all information in the last item on the troubleshooting guide.
You mean regular Word comments?188BET靠谱吗Exporting those via Macro has nothing to do with Zotero (and Zotero won't prevent you from adding custom Macros).You'd want to ask about this on an office forum (might also worth trying, in that case, how far an AI a…
It's because Chicago Manual wants the full date (withomth & day) there and we don't have a way to test of there is a month and day, so we always repeat the date
How is the Mares chapter formatted with your style?