



  • Exciting news!Before giving it a go, just want to confirm that sync is working in the version 7 beta?I'm assuming so!otherwise it'll be harder to give it a proper run.
  • Oh, I see.Thanks for the prompt response(s)!Looking forward to the beta version.
  • Sorry, I'm a bit confused.188BET靠谱吗Zotero 7 will be in beta in a few months or an M1-native capable version of Zotero 6 will be in beta in a few months?
  • Thanks @adamsmith.188BET靠谱吗I think I read elsewhere someone saying there was a developer version of Zotero—I presume Zotero 6—currently working in-house.188BET靠谱吗Since Zotero 6 won't be running natively on M1, I guess this means there are issues left to resolve bef…
  • 188BET靠谱吗> "In any case, yes, Zotero 7 will run natively on Apple Silicon." Does this mean that there won't be an M1-native version of Zotero 6?
  • Thank-you!Will give this a go.
  • 188BET靠谱吗@conleycd, I believe this is not so much Zotero's fault—whether the feature is optional or not—but a wider systemic issue arising from how publishers decide to present authorial information, which later makes its way into your library.That's why yo…
  • Well, I am running it off spinning rust, so I imagine that even the small dip in performance would become less noticeable if it were launching on an SSD instead.I'm glad to hear that there's plenty of headroom for large libraries though.I can't im…
  • 188BET靠谱吗Hey @bwiernik, when the DOI field does eventually get added for all item types in the future, will Zotero automatically take the DOI from the Extra field and put it in the DOI field?Also, will there will be a separate field for shortDOIs?I've foun…
  • This is brilliant.Thank-you @bwiernik!
  • @DWL-SDCA, I share that exact concern, and thank-you for providing some context.I have a relatively simple name, so I've never experienced anything like what you've described, but it helps to know that, in many cases, the final presentation (Mary J…
  • Thanks dstillman!That worked well—identified three entries with extra parts in the date field that clearly didn't belong there, so it was easy enough to fix.
  • That's a bit annoying given that some authors seem to constantly switch between, for example, "Mary Jones" and "Mary A.Jones," even for articles published in different volumes of the same journal.
  • That's interesting, dstillman.I would prefer the format to be YYYY-MM-DD in every situation, but the extra parts bit sounds like it might be a bit of a nuisance.I assume the "extra parts" would be references that have, for example, two years in th…
  • That's a good point regarding name disambiguation.I had been wondering, from a bibliographic rather than a technical point of view, whether this should be done.For instance, if in one work the same author gives their name as Mary Jones, but in ano…
  • It's good to know that such an option is planned for future releases.188BET靠谱吗I presume, once implemented, this would mean that if a person selects, say, DD.MM.YYYY, Zotero will modify all entries, no matter how they were originally formatted (e.g., 5 May, …
  • 188BET靠谱吗I have a related question: Does Zotero have a plug-in or add-on feature for LMS' like Canvas or Blackboard?
  • Apart from Vancouver, are there many other styles which require inclusion of month information in a reference list entry for a journal article?I imagine (or hope, rather) that the number is quite small because it seems that date information (apart …
  • Ah, I see.I've noticed that for some imports (from PubMed, for example) the short title will sometimes just say "A Systematic Review," or something to that effect.188BET靠谱吗This made me wonder whether, in using a particular style, Zotero would substitute th…
  • Thank-you!I'll check that now.
  • Thanks @dstillman!I can easily copy the data directory over.I think that will probably be quicker than waiting for the files to sync across (i.e., download) to the new Mac.My only worry was that turning sync on for the new device would then cause…
  • "Some styles that require sentence case, such as APA, also require that the first letter of the subtitle following a colon also be uppercase ("Age and environmental sustainability: A meta-analysis").188BET靠谱吗Zotero will automatically capitalize the subtitle…
  • Thank-you for your work on this bwiernik.I'll give it a try and report back if I notice anything unexpected.
  • "I guess that one solution to this would be to convince publishers to preface their article numbers with an 'e'." Wiley already does this, but I'm not sure how widely it's been adopted:…
  • That sounds good, Adam, but I wonder how it would work in practice (an article number field isn't standard, so maybe there would be issues with importing entries from elsewhere?) And it would presumably mean that users would have to edit entries in …
  • 188BET靠谱吗I've been going through the Publication Manual and I was wondering how Zotero will handle the rule regarding article numbers (pp.295, 318)?Whereas in the sixth edition article numbers seem to have been treated the same as page numbers (e.g., PLOS …
  • That's great!Thank-you!
  • The main thing I want to avoid, which seemed to occur every so often with Papers3, is a situation in which there are unaccountable sync errors (e.g., a reference whose details would inexplicably change).188BET靠谱吗It sounds like that Zotero should be able to …
  • 188BET靠谱吗Ah, I see that I should have read this sooner (//, since it answers most of my questions.188BET靠谱吗The only concern I have at the moment is whether the data stored on Zotero's servers could serve as a backup of the library a…
  • Update: It's finally done.I just had to do some edits to the XML file, wait for the import to finish, and then modify the book chapters (of which there weren't too many) to include book titles.So far I'm quite happy with the switch.Papers became …