



  • Thank you.That strategy worked and I found the 'bad' reference and removed it.Now I have a lingering problem of the citations not populating easily in the document.I have to delete some text and reinsert the citation a few times before I can ge…
  • Thank you.I was able to follow these instructions.Unfortunately, the search for a " character did not reveal any hits in My Library.What else can I try to get the references back to normal?
  • Is this an example of what you are referring to?Starting after 'available from...' there is a " before 'https' but it seems to just be referring to the URL not that the " is contained within the URL?How can I find the " character you suspect is ca…
  • Thank you.The same issue occurs if I copy the google doc file.Are you saying that the " character is in the reference cited, e.g.the title?Or somewhere else?188BET靠谱吗If I can find a " character, how would I replace it with a %22 in Zotero?
  • Interesting.When I pasted the scrambled references, they corrected themselves when I submitted my comment.I don't really know what field codes are but is the issue related?Fixable?I have pasted in snip image of what the google doc looks like: h…
  • I can now add a bibliography.Unfortunately, it is completely scrambled.Here is a couple of examples: 1.Rudd KE, Johnson SC, Agesa KM, Shackelford KA, Tsoi D, Kievlan DR, Colombara DV, Ikuta KS, Kissoon N, Finfer S, Fleischmann-Struzek C…