188BET靠谱吗Zotero Web API Full-Text Content Requests

188BET靠谱吗This page documents the methods to access full-text content of Zotero items via the188BET靠谱吗Zotero Web API.See theBasicspage for basic information on accessing the API, including possible HTTP status codes not listed here.

Getting new full-text content

Content-Type: application/json Last-Modified-Version:

For each item with a full-text content version greater than stored locally, get the item's full-text content, as described below.

Common responses
200 OK Full-text content was successfully retrieved.
400 Bad Request The 'since' parameter was not provided.

Getting an item's full-text content


should correspond to an existing attachment item.

Content-Type: application/json Last-Modified-Version:
{"content":"This is full-text content.","indexedPages":50,"totalPages":50}

indexedCharsandtotalCharsare used for text documents, whileindexedPagesandtotalPagesare used for PDFs.

Common responses
200 OK Full-text content was found for the given item.
404 Not Found The item wasn't found, or no full-text content was found for the given item.

Setting an item's full-text content

          /fulltext Content-Type: application/json
{"content":"This is full-text content.","indexedChars":26,"totalChars":26}

should correspond to an existing attachment item.

For text documents, includeindexedCharsandtotalChars.For PDFs, includeindexedPagesandtotalPages.

Common responses
204 No Content The item's full-text content was updated.
400 Bad Request Invalid JSON was provided.
404 Not Found The item wasn't found or was not an attachment.

Searching for items by full-text content

See theqandqmodesearch parameters.
