How do I turn off automatic case changes/capitalization during item import?

188BET靠谱吗By default, Zotero will try to clean up casing/capitalization of item titles when items are imported (e.g., titles in ALL CAPS will be converted Title Case).To disable this function, follow these steps:

1) In theAdvanced pane188BET靠谱吗of Zotero preferences, on the "General" tab, click the "Config Editor" button.

188BET靠谱吗2) Find "extensions.zotero.capitalizeTitles" in the list.To find it quickly, you can type "capitalize" in the Filter box.

188BET靠谱吗3) Double-click "extensions.zotero.capitalizeTitles" to toggle between the true and false setting.

kb/automatic_capitalization.txt· Last modified: 2017/11/22 08:12 by bwiernik