How can I import from Citavi?

188BET靠谱吗The best format for importing records from Citavi into Zotero is Citavi XML.This format will import the item bibliographic metadata, as well as quotations, tasks, attachments, etc.188BET靠谱吗Beginning in Zotero 6, Zotero will also import PDF annotations.188BET靠谱吗Zotero can import files exported from Citavi 5 and Citavi 6.

Special case: Cloud project

If your project is a cloud project, you need to make a local copy of it, as preparation for the export:

  1. In Citavi click on FileThis projectSave a copy of this project…
  2. In the following dialog, click on Create local project copy, put a meaningful name (e.g. myproject_local) in the Project namefield and click on Next.
  3. In the next dialog, click on Keep the cloud projectand click on Next.
  4. As soon as the local copy is finished, the local project will open in a new Citavi window.From there, resume with the following procedure.
Local project
  1. In Citavi click on FileThis projectCreate backup…
  2. The backup is saved in a file with the file ending with ctv5bakor ctv6bakand lies normally in your home directoryunder Documents\Citavi 5\Backupor Documents\Citavi 6\Backup(i.e., follow this format C:\Users\ \Documents\Citavi 5\Backup\ ).Alternatively, you can look up the backup folder under Tools / Options / Folders and there click on "Open folder with Windows Explorer", see
  3. The ctv5bakor ctv6bakfile is a ZIP file, which cannot be processed directly — you must first unzip it and continue with the resulting unzipped file.To unzip it, either change the extension to .zip or use software dedicated to archiving/unarchiving files, such as 7zip.Note that file extensions are often hidden by the operating system, so to change the extension you might need to enable extension visibility.
  4. 188BET靠谱吗To import attached files (e.g., PDFs) into Zotero, you have to make sure that they are in the same folder as the ctv5or ctv6file you are importing.Citavi will save all attachments in the project folder (e.g., C:\Users\ \Documents\Citavi 5\Projects\ \Citavi Attachments ).Copy them from there.
  5. Import the ctv5or ctv6188BET靠谱吗file in Zotero.


  • 188BET靠谱吗Nested collections in Citavi will not be nested anymore in Zotero.However, the numbers for the collections names should represent the nesting and adjusting this then manually should be easy.
  • 188BET靠谱吗To import PDF annotations, you must be running Zotero 6.

RIS format (alternative)

As an alternative to the above procedure, you can export your Citavi library in the RIS format.This format will only retain item bibliographic metadata.Any additional item elements, such as citations from the "knowledge management" functionalities in Citavi, will not be included.

kb/import_from_citavi.txt· Last modified: 2023/04/22 03:35 by dstillman