188BET靠谱吗How can I move my Zotero library to a different computer?

188BET靠谱吗Option A: Use Zotero Sync

The easiest way to transfer your library between between computers is by using188BET靠谱吗Zotero Sync.188BET靠谱吗Set up syncing from the Sync pane of the Zotero preferences, making sure you use the same username on all computers.

You'll need enough online storage space to fit all files in your library.188BET靠谱吗Zotero will warn you if you hit your quota, in which case you may need to delete some files, add astorage plan, or transfer your library using Option B below.

Option B: Copy the data folder

If you're comfortable moving files between devices, you can transfer your library by copying the188BET靠谱吗Zotero data folderfrom your first computer to your new computer — e.g., by using an external hard drive or a local network connection.If switching to a new computer, your OS may provide a way to automatically transfer all data (e.g., Migration Assistant on a Mac).

To move your data manually, first locate your data by opening the188BET靠谱吗Zotero preferences, going to Advanced → Files and Folders, and clicking "Show Data Directory".Seeherefor the default locations of the data folder.

188BET靠谱吗Be sure to close Zotero on both machines before copying the Zotero files.188BET靠谱吗If you've already opened Zotero on the new computer, there will already be a Zotero data folder with an empty database, and you should delete the whole data folder before copying the new folder to the same location.

Don't Use Export/Import

188BET靠谱吗Exporting and importing your library (for instance via Zotero RDF) is not a recommended option.None of the available export formats allow for a complete transfer of your library data, reimporting will break connections with any existing word processor documents, and if you use syncing later you will end up with duplicates of any imported items.
