
Preferences Window

188BET靠谱吗Many of Zotero's features can be customized via the Zotero preferences window.188BET靠谱吗Open the preferences by clicking "Edit → Preferences/Settings" (Windows/Linux) or "Zotero → Preferences/Settings" (Mac).You can also pressCtrl/Cmd-,.

The Preference window is divided into the following panes:

  • General: Adjust appearance, import settings, and other general features.
  • Sync: Set up data and file syncing.
  • Search: Manage PDF fulltext indexing and see relevant statistics.
  • Export: Set default settings for generating bibliographies and citations.
  • Cite: Add, remove, edit, and preview citation styles and install word processor plugins.
  • Advanced188BET靠谱吗: Zotero data location, library lookup, and other advanced settings.

Hidden Preferences

188BET靠谱吗In addition to the preferences shown in the Zotero preferences window, Zotero has a number ofhidden preferencesthat only can be changed by opening the Config Editor under the Advanced pane of Preferences.

preferences.txt· Last modified: 2024/06/11 05:12 by dstillman