Hidden Preferences

188BET靠谱吗You can edit most Zotero preferences through thePreferences188BET靠谱吗window in Zotero or the Preferences pane in the Zotero Connector in your browser.188BET靠谱吗However, both Zotero and the Zotero Connector support additional hidden preferences.These settings may have received less testing and/or are intended for more advanced use.


188BET靠谱吗To view the the full list of Zotero's preferences, including many hidden preferences, go to the Advanced pane of the Zotero preferences and click "Config Editor".188BET靠谱吗Enter "zotero" into the Filter field at the top of the list that comes up.Preferences that can be safely changed by users are described below.

188BET靠谱吗Most Zotero hidden preferences are preceded by "extensions.zotero."

General Preferences

188BET靠谱吗These general hidden preferences allow you to refine your Zotero configuration.

Preference Name Default Value Description
backup.interval 1440 188BET靠谱吗Determines, at most, how often (in minutes) Zotero makes an automatic backup of the database.The default is every 24 hours (1440 minutes)
backup.numBackups 2 188BET靠谱吗Determines how many automatic database backups Zotero should keep.Excess backups are deleted oldest first.This does not include backups made during database upgrades.Note that setting this too high could cause database upgrade backups to be overwritten.
capitalizeTitles true 188BET靠谱吗By default, Zotero will recase titles of items you capture (e.g., to remove all caps).Switch this preference to false and you will preserve case information for titles.
debug.level 5 When debug.log is enabled, determines the lowest of the debug levels (1-5, with 5 being the lowest) that is displayed
debug.log false 188BET靠谱吗Used for debugging Zotero.Seedebug output.
debug.time false When debug.log is enabled, shows the milliseconds from the previous debug call
fontSize "1.0" 188BET靠谱吗This preference allows you to increase or decrease the size of text in the Zotero interface.
httpServer.enabled true 188BET靠谱吗If set to true, Zotero will listen for requests from the Zotero Connector (e.g., to allow saving items to Zotero from the Connector).
httpServer.port 23119 IfhttpServer.enabled188BET靠谱吗is enabled, this is the port on which Zotero will listen for connections from the Zotero Connector.
sortAttachmentsChronologically false If set to true, your attachments will be sorted by the order you added them instead of alphabetically.
sortNotesChronologically false If set to true, your notes will be sorted by the order you added them instead of alphabetically.

PDF Reader

Preference Name Default Value Description
sortNotesChronologically.reader true Sort item notes in reverse chronological order.Iffalse, sort alphabetically.

Note Editor

Preference Name Default Value Description
note.css CustomCSSto apply to note content
note.fontSize 14 Note font size — settable from the View menu, but other values (including decimals) can be set manually
note.smartQuotes true Automatically convert straight quotes to typographic quotes

Translator Preferences

These hidden preferences allow you to control behavior for import/export translators for some specific bibliographic formats.188BET靠谱吗All translator hidden preferences are preceded by "extensions.zotero.translators."

Preference Name Default Value Description Applies to
RIS.import.ignoreUnknown true 188BET靠谱吗Do not store values that cannot be mapped to Zotero fields in notes. RIS import translator
RIS.import.keepID false Do not drop value from "ID -" tag.Can be used to find items in EndNote. RIS import translator
BibTeX.export.dontProtectInitialCase false Do not surround words with braces if only the first letter is capitalized.188BET靠谱吗Useful if you enter titles in Zotero in title case (not recommended).
false:{Tame {The} {BeaST}}
true:{Tame The {BeaST}}
Note that the first word is never surrounded if it does not contain internal upper-case letters
BibTeX export translator
BibTeX.export.simpleCitekey null By default only for newly added entries the new simple format (disallowing any special character except dash and underscore) for the citekey are used.Setting this hidden key to true, such simple citekeys will be used always. BibTeX export translator

Full-Text Indexing

188BET靠谱吗These preferences deal with Zotero's ability to create full-text indexes from imported files.

Preference Name Default Value Description
search.useLeftBound true 188BET靠谱吗This preference determines whether Zotero only finds word matches based on the left bound or whether it finds matches anywhere within words.188BET靠谱吗Switching this to false may be beneficial for languages other than English, but it may significantly slow down Zotero's search functions.


These options allow you to customize your reports.

Preference Name Default Value Description
report.includeAllChildItems true By default, selecting only parent items for a report causes those items' child notes and attachments to be included as well.If includeAllChildItems is set to false, only the items you have selected will be included.Selecting a combination of parent and child items will cause only the selected items to be displayed regardless of this setting.
report.combineChildItems true 188BET靠谱吗By default, Zotero groups child notes and attachments in reports together under their parent items.Switching this to false will cause notes to appear separately from their parent items.188BET靠谱吗This can be helpful for people interested in using Zotero's note-taking features as an outlining tool.

Citation QuickCopy Settings

Preference Name Default Value Description
export.quickCopy.compatibility.indentBlockquotes true Word and TextEdit don't indent blockquotes on their own and need this enabled.Results in an extra indent in LibreOffice, which handles blockquotes correctly.
export.quickCopy.compatibility.word false Add Word Normal style to paragraphs and enable double-spacing.LibreOffice inserts the conditional style code as a document comment.
quickCopy.quoteBlockquotes.plainText true Add quotes around blockquote paragraphs in plain-text output
quickCopy.quoteBlockquotes.richText true Add quotes around blockquote paragraphs in rich-text output

Word Processor Plugin

Preference Name Default Value Description
integration.keepAddCitationDialogRaised false 188BET靠谱吗If you switch this to true, you can keep the Zotero word plugin interface for adding citations always at the front.and prevent it from going hidden behind the Word window you're working with.

188BET靠谱吗Zotero Connector

188BET靠谱吗To view hidden preferences for the Zotero Connector, open the preferences for the connector (by right-clicking on the save button and choosing Preferences/Options in Chrome and Firefox, or by long-pressing the save button in Safari).Then, click "Advanced", then "Config Editor".

Translator Preferences

188BET靠谱吗Zotero Connectors support some translator preferences that apply to all translators generally or to specific websites.188BET靠谱吗To use these preferences, in the Zotero Connector Config Editor, click "Add Preference".Type or paste the preference's name and click "OK".Enter the appropriate preference value from the table below (e.g.,trueor1) and click "OK" again.

Preference Name Default Value Description Applies to
translators.attachSupplementary false Translators should attempt to attach supplementary data when importing items. All web translators implementing this behavior
translators.supplementaryAsLink false Supplementary data attachments should be attached as links instead of being downloaded.This option has no effect if attachSupplementary is disabled.Setting this oprtion to "true" maintains the convenience of quick access to supplementary data, but speeds up saving items from the web. All web translators implementing this behavior
translators.ACS.highResPDF 0 Determines which version of the Full Text PDF is attached: 0 - PDF w/ links!1 - high res PDF!2 - both ACS Publications

Note:The supplementary data preferences will only work for sites whose translator supports this behavior.If you encounter sites with supplementary data that are not imported, please report it on the188BET靠谱吗Zotero forums.
