Retrieve PDF Metadata
188BET靠谱吗Users new to Zotero may find the prospect of importing all their data somewhat daunting.Many researchers already have a large collection of PDFs that they've previously organized manually.188BET靠谱吗Zotero makes it easy to import these PDFs and retrieve full bibliographic metadata (for searching, citing, indexing, and organizing), taking much of the pain out of switching.
188BET靠谱吗To use this feature, simply drag your existing PDFs into your Zotero library or use the "Store Copy of File" or "Link to File" options from the add new item menu (green plus sign).188BET靠谱吗By default, Zotero will automatically retrieve metadata for each PDF, create an appropriate parent item, and rename the associated file based on the metadata.(You can disable these automatic functions in theGeneral pane188BET靠谱吗of Zotero preferences.)
188BET靠谱吗If Zotero can find a match for the PDF, it will create a full Zotero item with the available data and attach the PDF.If it can't, it will leave the PDF as a standalone attachment, allowing you to add a parent item another way — either bysaving an item from the weband dragging the PDF on top of it or by right-clicking on the PDF, choosing Create Parent Item, and entering an identifier such as a DOI or ISBN.If all else fails, you can click Manual Entry after selecting Create Parent Item and manually enter metadata for the item.
If you're not happy with the metadata saved for the PDF, you can right-click on the new parent item and choose Undo Retrieve Metadata to leave the PDF as a standalone attachment for further manual processing.
188BET靠谱吗Zotero should retrieve high-quality metadata for most academic PDFs.While it can sometimes extract basic information (title, author) from other documents, you shouldn't expect that — anything can be distributed as a PDF, but that doesn't mean there's any standard metadata available for it.
Note:While this feature can greatly facilitate importing large existing libraries of PDFs, itis notthe best way to add items to your library in general.188BET靠谱吗Items and PDFs can be imported faster by using the Zotero Connector plugin in your browser from the article pages (not the PDFs) of publisher websites or most scholarly databases.188BET靠谱吗This saves several steps versus downloading the PDF manually and adding it to Zotero.The item metadata will also often be higher quality.See188BET靠谱吗Adding Items to Zoterofor more info.
How It Works
188BET靠谱吗The Retrieve Metadata feature uses a Zotero web service to find item metadata.188BET靠谱吗The Zotero client sends the first few pages of text from the PDF to the web service, which uses a variety of extraction algorithms and known metadata from Crossref, paired with DOI and ISBN lookups, to build a parent item for the PDF.188BET靠谱吗The Zotero lookup service doesn't require a Zotero account and doesn't log any data about the content or results of searches.